Memo June 2016


A memo sent to correspondents, friends and acquaintances of the Budapest Observatory (BO) in June 2016

The European dream has been (temporarily?) suspended.

First aid

Slovaks will help fix it.

In the culture sector, the Slovak Presidency will focus on the mid-term review of the Work Plan for Culture 2015-2018. Globally engaged Europe is one of the four overall presidency priorities, which may be beneficial for the brand new strategy for international cultural relations. 

There is also an alternative presidency site.

The work goes on*

Still before B-day, culture ministers of the European Union had a first exchange of views on updating the Audiovisual Media Services Directive that regulates the circulation of audiovisual works. This is an important area of the Digital Single Market, to which Culture Action Europe has prepared a guide.

Still in the digital realm, ministers adopted a paper on Europeana, which stores over 50 million items (a year ago BO noted the 40 million notch). Dilemmas and proposals are listed at length and an independent evaluation is called for.

Of great importance is the launch of the third leg of the Creative Europe programme, a novelty in the 2014-2020 financial period. The new financial instrument, a kind of preferential loan scheme called guarantee facility will spend €121 million on small and medium enterprises in the cultural and creative sectors.

European dream by default

Overshadowed by the EU, at the Council of Europe business is as usual. Its governing body for culture (and heritage, as is sorted there) discussed a number of remarkable issues in June:

Culture and urban development

After Lodzthe 12th study visit in the same series took BO to a really emerging cityone of next year’s European capitals of culture. In the meanwhile Gamle Byone of the main cultural features in Aarhus received a prize, the 21st edition of the Micheletti award: the judges issued a detailed report(Only once did this award come to east-central Europe, as early as in 1997, to the Slovenian town of Idrija.)

BO reported about the call for the UCLG – Mexico City – Culture 21 award. The winners have been announced, including a city from our region: an urban regeneration project in the outskirts of Kaunas. 

What have the British brought to the EU?

Browsing for answers in our memos:

And so on. (Notwithstanding their imperial past.)

Eurobarometer has warned

In most of the graphs that BO has constructed or borrowed over the years the UK is usually near the middle, partly due to its sheer weight which often largely determines the EU average. One of the rare cases of the UK figure sitting at the end of the scale has repeatedly been the anxiety about losing one’s cultural identity, a recurrent question at the standard Eurobarometer quiz.

One would expect citizens in the vulnerable new member states to be most concerned about their identity in the process of integration, and vice versa, established democracies to exert self-assurance in this regard. The result of the 2008 spring poll showed, to BO’s utmost astonishment, roughly the opposite, displaying the British as the most worried about their cultural integrity. 

The 2008 score (Graph Nr.8 here) is copied on the diagram below, matched against the latest results. (The question goes like What does the European Union mean to you personally? „Loss of our cultural identity” was nevertheless chosen among the first three items in no country, freedom to travel, study and work being usually on top.)

The British remained among the most fretful about their identity, although have collected a bit of self-confidence together with five other nations. (Especially the Croats, having considerably settled down from the post-civil-war state of mind in 2008.) Anxiety grew in the remaining 22 countries, reaching pathological level in Austria.

Next EU member

The Federal Kingdom of Scotland and Northern Ireland?
